
Melissa McCarthy's Weight Stress

Or, Why can't we all stop trying to be something we're not?

Melissa McCarthy's Weight Stress

I read an article on the Huffington Post this week about a recent interview where Oscar nominated, Emmy winning actress Melissa McCarthy lamented on how regardless of the fact that she's very physically active, she can't lose any weight to be skinnier than she is. This made me feel sad because she IS healthy, she IS beautiful, and she IS very successful. But then I realized, she'll never truly feel good about herself because even the HuffPo article itself had to qualify her as a person by leading the story and calling her "plus-sized." No wonder she "magically" wishes she were a size six. We're never going to get better as a society if we keep forcing women into buckets. Never.

McCarthy is the mother of two young daughters and has achieved so much in her life to be proud of. On top of being a mom, working full time and all the rest, she also does Pilates and plays tennis EVERY DAY. So, she's physically healthy too. Just because you aren't a size two doesn't mean you aren't healthy. Hell, before my groin injury, I couldn't be bothered to run more than 2-3 times a week. I'm lazy. And because we keep calling McCarthy "plus-sized," she keeps thinking she needs to strive for something better. That she's not good enough. It's a crying shame. 

Surprisingly, in the Huffington Post article, she is very candid, saying that she tries not to dwell on things, but you can tell she's bothered by them. This really isn't body acceptance, it's more of an "I give up" to me. And we shouldn't give up. We're focusing on the wrong stuff. I'm a firm believer in perception changing and how it affects your life—mad cause your baby won't sleep through the night? Shift perception: that baby isn't ready to sleep through the night, so nap when he naps even if it means the dishes won't get done. Grumpy that you can't loose that extra 5 lbs that NO ONE but you notices even though you work out 5 days a week? Shift perception: you work out 5 days a week! That's INCREDIBLE. Worried how other people will view your choice to allow your 13-year-old daughter to pierce her ears? Shift perception: it's none of their damned business and you are a great mom. 

If we work hard at shifting our perception, we'll all be much happier about who we are and what we are achieving. And in that, if we stop worrying about what other people may think is normal and realize that, in fact, each of us is normal (and totally weird) in our own ways, then we'll all be happier, freer and ready to face the real challenges in life. 

I hope Melissa McCarthy reads this, and I hope you really read this too: we're all perfectly flawed and regardless of if we work in Hollywood or Calgary, we are enough. 


So, Spill it! What do you think of Melissa McCarthy's wish to be a size 6?


Harper Beckham's $8,000 Baby Wardrobe

How much is too much to spend on kid's clothes?

Harper Beckham's $8,000 Baby Wardrobe

I do not hide my love for Victoria Beckham. While she's not my favourite Spice Girl (that honour goes to Baby), she's certainly one of my favourite style icons. She and I have the same style motto: If you get your boobs out, put your legs away and vice versa. This weekend, it has been reported that Mrs. Beckham has spent a total of $8,000 on her daughter Harper's wardrobe. In just 15 months of life. While I have no problem with people spoiling their kids, I do wonder what she's doing with the clothing when she's done.

To put it into perspective, Posh spends, on average, $533 a month on clothing for her daughter. This is about how much my entire family spends on groceries in a month. I'm not even sure I've spent that much on all the clothes Henry has considering we've built a pretty great baby clothing swap network with friends and family...and he's 21 months old! 

The report in The Daily Mail says that she also makes sure that Harper never wears the same outfit twice (something Posh does as well, I believe), so it's got me thinking — what the hell is she doing with all these designer duds when she finishes with them? I have absolutely no problem with people spending within their means (and the Beckhams are multi-millionaires), but since Posh has said she doesn't want any more children, I hope that she's donating at least a portion of the clothing she buys for her baby girl to someone — a nanny, a house keeper, friends, family — and not hoarding it for god knows what reason. 

I will admit, though, I am a little jealous of the designer labels in Harper's closet: Chloe, Stella McCartney and recently, a $285 Marc Jacobs dress. Lucky girl, that Harper. 

That is, until her friends start coming around asking to meet her dad. 

So, spill it! What do you think about spending over $500 a month on a baby's wardrobe?