Lisa Thornbury: Party Mummy


If The Autocorrect Game Is Wrong...

I Don't Want To Be Right

How can something be so frustrating and so ridiculously hilarious at the same time? Autocorrect just may be the "parenting" of the spellcheck world...

This cheeky program was created to "help" busy and/or spelling challenged people send literate texts and emails. How does Autocorrect work? Apparently a team of twisted individuals at Apple set up an algorithm to determine your 'intended' word. Yes, because I intended to type anal to my mother. It also learns from experience and gathers clues from the context. 

Autocorrect may replace misspelled words with ones you've used in the past, so if you've used the word "cockattack" lately, you could be in trouble.

Whether you spend hours laugh-crying over sites like Damn You Auto Correct, or curse Autocorrect's existence every time it changes hello to herpes, here's another way to use Autocorrect to amuse and/or annoy your friends and family.

When you're bored (Read: should be working, but will do pretty much anything to avoid it) compose a short text. Two-three words will do. Deliberately misspell words and allow Autocorrect to work its magic by turning your innocent letters into an incoherant sentence comprised of words you may never have heard of before. 

How do you win the game? You don't. But maybe if you're lucky you'll end up with a gem like "penis nurse?"

I was on the receiving end of this awesome Autocorrect recently and it made my day....

P.S. For those of you who fake autocorrected texts and post online, nobody sends a text to their father about how much they enjoy their mother's shaved pastrami. We're on to you. 

For more hilarity and/or another way to avoid work, visit