Mummy Buzz


Government Exposes Parents Who Withhold Child Support

WANTED: Deadbeat Dads

government website

The Ontario government has come up with a novel way to out parents who've opted out of paying child support. The Ministry of Community and Social Services launched a new website, aptly called, that effectively posts mugshots and personal details of (mainly) deadbeat dads in the hopes of tracking them down and serving up some justice.

"Good parents pay child support," said Minister of Community and Social Services Madeleine Meilleur. "For those who don't, we want to make things very clear: we will find you and we will make sure your children get the support they deserve."

According to an article in CBC, at any given time the Good Parents site will post profiles of up to 25 parents who've failed to make child support payments for the past six months.

Readers with information as to the person's whereabouts can anonymously send in tip-offs, much like Crime Stoppers for parents.

The profiles—which include a physical description, occupation and the person's last known location—remain on the site for three months or until the person has been found. While they're at it, maybe the photos should be posted on public transport and on the sides of milk cartons.

With 180,000 so-called deadbeat parents at large, amounting to more than $1 billion owing in child support, it's easy to see why Ontario's Family Responsibility Office and the Ministry have taken this step. Canada isn't the only country with harsh words for deserters.

Do you think this kind of witch hunt is the right approach to deal with deadbeat parents?