Mummy Buzz


Dooce Drops D-Bomb

It's a Doocey

She brought celebrity to the realms of mom blogging. So when Dooce (aka Heather Armstrong) announced her pending divorce, it stands to reason the D-bomb was dropped online.

In a post called Lying Here with My Head on the Phone, Armstrong faces the tough question from her daughter, "Why does Dad not sleep here any more?” In typical bloggy style, Dooce does a big reveal, confessing not just the trial separation from her husband and business partner Jon; she also recalls her own parents' divorce and her own considered suicide.

Even her hubby wrote his own confessional blog, a little less eloquently called Yes, I’m Currently in a Trial Separation.

“Obviously, in blogging, you are not writing every thought you have, or every action you do, but it can seem like you do,” wrote fellow blogger Magda Pecsenye. “So when it turns out that there have been all sorts of things going on in the background that didn't make it onto the blog, readers can... feel betrayed.”

The lines between the personal and public are often blurred. While some bloggers are content to keep it light; others, like Dooce, go for the jugular every time, their claim to fame being precisely their refusal to hold back. The dirtier the laundry, the better. I'm sure her stats are pretty high right now, what with the divorce post.

It begs the question: where does the right to privacy start and duty to readers end?
