Mummy Buzz


The Least Likely George Clooney Lookalike

Clooless Contest 

A little bit of light relief for George Clooney fans. (And really, who's not a fan?!)

In a recent lookalike contest of nearly 800 hopefuls in Kilkenny, Ireland, this man came up tops.  

That's right.  David Glendon, 27, was deemed the closest facsimile to the uber hot 50-year-old The Descendants actor.

"I only entered for a bit of a laugh," admitted blue-eyed, red-haired Glendon. "I was taken by surprise when I was told I'd won. There's been a lot of debate since about whether I look like him. But someone thought I did, so I'll take the good with the bad."

The contest was organized by Gabriel Murray who is filming a documentary about Clooney's Irish roots.  Entrants sent in photos of themselves looking debonair.

The contest was organised in Kilkenny by local Gabriel Murray, who is filming a documentary about Clooney's roots.  "It wasn't just about looks, there were a lot of other factors in consideration.  We took into account the demeanour of the entrant."

Clearly. Even I look more like George Clooney!

And the prize? No less than a trip to the Oscars in Los Angeles on the 26th, where Clooney is in the running against other Hollywood heavyweights for the Best Actor accolade. 

Incredibly, lighting technician Glendon claims he's too busy working to attend the golden gala.

No fear, I've checked my busy diary and turns out I'm free that night... Just sayin'.
