Sharon DeVellis: Inside Scoop


Twelve Years Of Marriage

Still Going Strong

My husband and I celebrated our twelfth wedding anniversary this weekend.  At one point we were out with a group of friends, all of who have been married between 12 and 18 years, and they asked us what the secret was to a happy marriage.  Before anyone could say anything, I was all blow jobs! which was followed by laughter and then I was all "why are you laughing? We take our blow jobs very seriously".  Then my husband made a not so subtle attempt to change the subject like he was all embarrassed or something. Which...whatever....if you don't want the answer to a question you shouldn't ask. 

The point is, I don't know what the secret is for a good marriage, I only know what's kept us together for 15 years total and it's this: When I gave him this card, he laughed just as hard as I did when I saw it in the store.

A sense of humour and laughter go a long way.
