To Heck With Spring Cleaning the Home - Spring Clean Your Brain This Year Instead

This ain't your typical spring cleaning snoozefest.

It's spring! Time to break out the rags, organize your shelves, and open the windows and scrub all your material possessions till they shine.... blah blah blah.... snore.

You know what? You don't need an article on how to clean your damn house for spring. You just do it. Or better yet, hire someone to give you a hand, you know, so it doesn't have to be a major life drama and you don't have to wear yourself out on shit that doesn't matter. It costs about $100 to hire someone for 2-3 hours. Let them get on their hands and knees and clean that yucky part of the baseboards that you can't ignore forever.

If you're not one of those people who get a spiritual experience from cleaning, IT. IS. TOTALLY. WORTH. IT.

Let's talk instead about the part most of us women ignore until we have a breakdown. Yeah, I'm talking about your headspace. When's the last time you gave your brain a good dusting off? If the answer lies someplace between "never" and "it has been a while since my last life crisis," then this is the post for you! 

This spring, sass up your attitude towards life and clean up your act. It'll do more for you than clean mopboards ever will.



Anne is one of those people who usually speaks to others in memes, pop culture references, and SAT words. On those occasions she can be understood at all, she likes to entertain others with a sense of humour usually described by friends as “hilarious—once you get to know her.”