I still have to work harder to prove myself because I am perceived as young. It’s opened my eyes to just how much our society discriminates based on age.
We sit down, I hand him 40 napkins and say “Okay. We can eat on the new couch but PLEASE be careful.” Then we watch Netflix. Welcome to my Saturday night.
“I’m thirty-eight years old!” said Homer Simpson. “This is bullshit!” said I.
I really wish it had not been assumed that I was at a stage in life where receiving black, lacy incontinence underpants as gifts would make me happy.
She feels more and more like the child in the relationship. I’m not sure who is more surprised that it’s no longer her looking after me.
I’ve learned enough about life to know that what I know is a drop in the bucket compared to what I don't know.
Two years ago, I shared with you my decision to let my silvers shine. I was still at a point where there wasn’t a lot to cover up.