Blissdom conference
Blogger or business woman or both - why you need to attend the Blissdom 2015 conference.
Blissdom Canada
Why go to BlissDom? Go to make friends, make connections, make changes in your career!
Blissdom, Blue Mountain, BlissatBlue, getaway, blog conference, 2015, moms getaway, mom life
Bring on the inspiring seminars! Bring on the networking! Bring on the learning! BRING ON THE HOTEL ROOM ALL FOR MYSELF!
This is for every mom who ever felt nervous about leaving her kids to go on vacation.
Not getting the most out of a conference? It might be because you're treating it like a service and not like this.
Here are five good reasons you'll want to attend Blissdom Canada this year.
You need to bookmark these: Canadian bloggers who will make you think, laugh, slack off at work, and more.
BlissDom Canada Conference
I was an HR professional who dabbled in the blogging world. Blissdom wasn’t meant for people like me, or so I thought.