What to Do About Cellulite | YummyMummyClub.ca
What does a top model do when a photograph reveals her cellulite? This.
After being in the best shape of her life, Joni Edelman realized it wasn't worth her happiness.
Chrissy Teigen Shares Priceless Photo of Stretch Marks | YummyMummyClub.ca
Chrissy Teigen gets real about "mom bod" on Snapchat.
Women of all sizes are posting bikini photos on Twitter and Instagram. But instead of focusing on size, should we simply be focusing on being fit?
Whoever made these graffiti changes to this billboard? We think he/she is kind of brilliant.
woman with facial hair
A 23-year-old British woman who grew up being bullied for her excess hair has now embraced her appearance and wants to inspire others to do the same.
thigh gap
The newest trend for young girls is to have a 'sexy' space between their thighs. Is Thigh Gap another fad or more pressure for girls to look a certain way?
I'm confused by this notion of a 'real' body. Do we actually know people who have fake bodies?