obese child
A five-year-old girl in Wales was taken from her parents when it was discovered that she weighed more than three times the average for her age.
Research has indicated that girls in the U.S. are reaching puberty at increasingly younger ages and this is bad news for their health.
sesame street self regulating cookie monster
Everyone's favourite blue monster is going to learn how to curb his cookie habit to teach kids the important lesson of self-regulation.
orange juice
According to the book "Fat Chance: The Bitter Truth About Sugar" orange juice may be the very worst thing you can give your child.
Spill it! Do you think these letters were a necessary first step in fighting obesity, or do they constitute 'fat shaming'?
The mom who publicly shamed her daughter and forced her to lose weight is now making money from it with her new book, The Heavy: A Mother, A Daughter, A Diet.
Is weight loss for children a good idea? | YummyMummyClub.ca
This government sent families controversial "fat letters" to parents of primary schoolchildren with higher body mass index (BMI) results.