I'm a Doctor, And This Is Why I Want to Move Towards Digital Health Records | YMCTech | YummyMummyClub.ca
We can get better care than ever before but surprisingly, many of us are not even aware these tools are available.
How the amazing innovation of digital health helped see this family through a medical crisis with their newborn | YMCTech | YummyMummyClub.ca
If you've never heard of Electronic Medical Records (EMR), here's what you need to know.
One of the biggest things my parents and I talk about is how will we manage their health care when they can no longer manage it alone.
If Your Doctor Isn't Tech Savvy, You Need to Tell Her About This!
An eye-opening look at the stark contrast between how we used to manage health care and how we can manage it now with digital health.
How Olympic Skier, Jennifer Heil, Uses Digital Health as an Athlete & Mom
I’ve experienced first-hand during a health issue that when communication breaks down, care is no longer optimal. Digital health will change that.
How Your Doctor's Office May Be Going High-Tech
Apps, video-conferencing, booking appointments online and more. Learn how you can harness the power of digital health today.
family healthcare and technology
Technology is rapidly transforming health care and making it easier for families to look after themselves and each other.
Take This Sage Advice to Keep Your Online Health Records Safe | YMCTech | YummyMummyClub.ca
What you need to know about keeping your personal health care information safe.
by: Cat Coode