Sure Nadine's dad was awkward when it came to talking about sex, but he tried his best because he loved her — and it taught her a lot about love and life.
Andrew Austin Father's Day Video
The days of dads being a sitcom punchline are over. Watch this video that celebrates the diversity of dads and how they are fully capable parents.
There are some damn fine dads out there. But there are some pretty terrible fathers.
quotes for fathers day
The father-daughter relationship can be quite complex but these quotes perfectly capture the love a dad has for his daughter.
A movie about dying and lessons we want to teach our children with a little bit of dirty humour thrown in for fun.
Daddy Discrimination
Stay-at-home-dads tow the line just as well as moms but aren't given the credit. We need to change this.
Got boys? Then you’ll want to make sure daddy is highly involved, right from the get-go.
They are words to live by. And so, I do. |
They are words I live by. And so should you. (Number #18 is our favourite.)