Heck, Yes! My Boys Will Be Getting the HPV Vaccine. Here’s Why.
There's so much positive news about the benefits of the HPV Vaccine for boys.
Why You Shouldn't Take Parenting Advice from Celebrities
Every few months, I'll stumble across an article where a celebrity is opposed to vaccinating their kids and the scary thing is, people are listening to them.
8 Amazing Reasons to Travel Across Ontario This Winter
If you've ever thought that an Ontario winter adventure was too cold, boring, or too close to home, this is about to change your mind.
What You Need to Know About Being Vaccinated While Pregnant
If you're nervous about getting immunized while you're pregnant, here are a few things you should know.
Important Things You Need to Do Before Taking Your Kids on Vacation
Step One: Do your homework on the destination you are about to visit and get up to date on advisories, travel alerts, and what vaccinations are needed.
Advice from a Teacher on Getting Your Kid Kindergarten-Ready
Everything you need to know to make sure your little one is ready for the big step of starting school!
This Is Why I'll Always Keep On Top of My Family's Vaccine Schedule
Health isn’t something everyone has. It’s something you have to work hard at and it’s a privilege.
Travelling with a Child Who Has Special Needs? Here's What You Need to Know
When you have a child with developmental delays and/or medical issues, this is how you need to plan ahead and be prepared for your vacation.