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Author Profile: 

I am a married mom of two sons born 15 years apart (yes, you read that right!) living in Hamilton, Ontario.  A lover of cupcakes, reading good (and not-so-good) books and cooking, I also spend my days working in marketing for a well-known franchise restaurant corporation.  As fairly recent transplants to Hamilton, my family and I enjoy exploring the city and taking in all it has to offer.  I am also a member of the National Post's Gastropost weekend feature section where you can read about my completed food “missions”.  Follow me on Twitter @pennesthoughts or on my blog at

About my kids: 
I am the very proud mom of two amazing sons born 15 years apart! Brayden, 16, is tall, blonde, handsome, smart and funny. Oliver, 1, is adorable, inquisitive, silly and a pure joy.
Parenting is...: 
Challenging, rewarding, ever-changing and fun!
We know you don't have a lot, but when you do, what do you like to do in your spare time?: 
I love to cook and experiment with recipes. I also have an unnatural love of cupcakes although I am not a baker. Reading makes me happy and I'm passionate about writing.
When are you at your yummiest?: 
When my hair is straight (October to April!), my makeup is perfect and I feel fabulous!
If someone wrote a biography about you, what would be the title?: 
Spirited Food-Lover and Writer with Great Sense of Humour!
What's currently in your purse?: 
At least 5 different lipglosses. Mints instead of gum. A pair of glasses for when my contacts are unbearable. Toddler snacks and baby wipes.
What superhero power would you like to have?: 
The ability to fly!
If we gave you an elephant, where would you hide it?: 
The refrigerator!
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