Housecalls from doctors
Did you know about this free OHIP service?
Doctor play set recall - Dollar Tree |
Children's doctor play sets recalled for choking hazard.
Tracking my baby's health info back in the day was exhausting. I’m thrilled that new parents now have a better way.
Turn fear into fun with this tip that will get your little one excited about visiting the doctor.
What is right for you? It depends on what you plan and expect from your caregiver during pregnancy and delivery.
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My dream of a life-long friendship with my midwife has come to an end and I've gone back to my OB. Have you ever had to break up with your midwife?
midwife, doctor, labour, birth story, birth planning, pros and cons
Who do you trust to deliver your most precious piece of cargo? A Midwife or a Doctor?
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