Did you know that $1 will be donated to UNICEF to help fund educational programs around the world for every stuffed toy purchased at IKEA?
ikea lights recall
The loose cords of the lamps pose a strangulation hazard, and led to the death of a 16-month-old child who became entangled in the cord whilst in a crib.
Want to makeover a room in your house on a budget? Try a textile transformation like this.
recall ikea beds
The metal rod that connects the guard rail to the bed frame can break, posing a laceration hazard.
Sarah's been caught red-handed with her obsession for this Christmas colour combo. Luckily, she's tickled pink to share it with you.
Christmas is just around the corner. Get a jump start on your shopping with the toys that will have your kids jumping for joy.
IKEA is receiving backlash from people around the world for removing all of the women in this version if its catalogue.
recall bed canopies
The following canopies have been recalled as the children can become trapped.