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As the middle child, Lori was always the one who pushed the limits and teetered on the edge of rebellion. Before she was even old enough to drive, Lori created a line of spatter-painted tee shirts, shorts & sweat outfits that she sold to friends and numerous boutiques. Shortly after, a line of jewelry was developed & carried in stores in the Detroit area as well as specialty stores as far away as Hawaii. She graduated from Michigan State University with a degree in fashion design and soon after took a temporary job in the ad specialty/promotional product business while deciding what she really wanted to do with her life. Fortunately for the industry, her fate was sealed… this was her dream job.

In a high rise condo overlooking the famous Hollywood hills, Caden Concepts was born. In the past five years they have been featured in numerous publications including: The Counselor's TOP 30 under 30, The Los Angeles Business Journal's Fastest Growing Privately Owned Companies in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Business Journal, Women Making a Difference and Advantages.