Tony and Peggy Comstock

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Tony Comstock made his first erotic photograph more than 20 years ago, at the age of 19, about a week into his first photography class, when he said to his girlfriend, “No, just stay like that a minute more. I want to take a picture of you that way.” Since then he has been a commercial photographer, documentary filmmaker, and most recently the creative force behind Comstock Films, an award-winning film production company, and pioneer of an entirely new genre of filmmaking: the erotic documentary.

Peggy Comstock is an avowed camera-phobe, which makes being married to Tony an interesting experience to say the least. Despite her aversion to cameras, she’s learned to become a skilled camera-woman, functioning as the B-camera operator in Comstock Films’ unique approach to capturing sexuality. Peggy is also the one-woman art department and IT department for Comstock Films.